26 Sept 2014

My New Best Friend?

Hello beautiful people;

"there's a lot of life in these pages"

I'm always looking for new things to try and reviews upon reviews to read, wanting to know what this person thinks and what the other does too. What's on trend, what's been going on at LFW, what my lashes should be looking like - it never ends!!

My mother is one for saving bits of newspapers and magazines, interesting articles or beautiful photography but recently she has been saving "Notebook" from The Sunday Mirror. I've got a pile up to my knees in my bedroom and I thought "just humor her and have a read of one".

WELL. I am ever so glad I did, this magazine is packed full of beauty tips, trends, new exciting products as well as the standard fashion pages; which I must also add have really caught my eye. So I'm currently sat on my fluffy rug on my bedroom floor flipping through and through these magazines finding all these fab things that I must try.

Just so you guys can really get a feel for what I'm talking about I've scanned in a few bits for you to see, don't thank me too much!!

Thank you Notebook for being insanely insane at creating am insanely good little magazine!

lots of love

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